PADRE – Partnership for Acid Drainage Remediation
in Europe
c/o Christian Wolkersdorfer
Sydney, Nova Scotia, B1P 4V9, Canada
Chairperson: Adam Jarvis, UK
Vice-Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Christian Wolkersdorfer, Canada/Germany
General Secretary: Lena Alekangas, Sweden
Councilors: Ferenc Madai, Hungary; Bernadette Azzie, Ireland; Lars-Ake Lindahl, Sweden; Dr. Ingar Walder, Norway
c/o Christian Wolkersdorfer
109 Cromarty Street
Sydney, Nova Scotia, B1P 4V9, Canada
Disclaimer/Liability note: Despite careful control
as regards of contents PADRE does not assume any liability for the
contents of external links. The operators are exclusively responsible
for the contents of the interlinked sites.